Our Mission:

Minnesota MBITE, the professional organization for Marketing Business Information Technology Educators, is a statewide professional learning community for all business educators including areas of marketing, accounting, information technology, graphic design and college and career readiness.

Professional Development for Business Teachers

When developing your professional learning network, remember to select options that involve making connections and building relationships with other educators. MBITE is here to provide a way of sharing ideas, resources, and voicing educational concerns.

Utilize MBITE to keep in touch with other teachers just like yourself around the clock. Join for access to monthly newsletters and follow MBITE on Twitter and Facebook.

MBITE will provide you constant opportunities for learning and becoming exposed to new practices to revolutionize the way you teach.

Member Benefits:

  1. Legislative voice through dual membership with MnACTE (Minnesota Association for Career and Technical Education), which is a state policy and advocacy voice to keep business education programs in secondary and post-secondary schools.
    • Current legislative initiatives include teacher shortages and licensure, Perkins funding and CTE (Career and Technology Education) levy (key funding sources for business education programs).
  2. Collaborative community to continually share new and innovative strategies for your classroom.
    • Serves as a central location to gain resources including lessons, links and plans through monthly newsletter, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest.
  3. The Fall Conference and other professional development opportunities.
  • Learn from the experts
  • Get inspired and refreshed
  • Leave energized with methods and materials to implement in your classroom immediately.
  • Have FUN!